
New Zealand


End of Life Choice Act

At the next election (2 – 19 September 2020) New Zealanders will vote in a binding referendum on whether the End of Life Choice Act 2019 should come into force. More on the End of Life Choice Act…

Poll: Confusion about 'Assisted Dying'

A 2017 Curia poll found that most New Zealanders confuse ‘assisted dying’ with practices that are already legal. More on the poll…

Health Committee Investigation

About 80 % of 21,000+ submissions were opposed to the legalisation of euthanasia and assisted suicide  in response to a petition. More on this investigation…

Seales vs Attorney-General

In 2015 Lecretia Seales was denied legal euthanasia by the Wellington High Court. Hours later she died peacefully from brain cancer. More on the Seales case…